Chiara Gronchi – SLI Participant in 2014
“Beijing is an amazing city and Chinese food is so delicious!”
As a law student, I have always felt that being opened to different law frameworks is the most important. Currently, China is one of the strongest country, and as future lawyers or law scholars, we will probably deal with its legal system. The Summer Law Institute has been a good opportunity for me to learn properly roots and pillars of Chinese law and to experience an international academic context.
The American teaching approach is exiting for Italians whoa are not used to interact with teachers. The mentoring sessions have been really helpful to make my way and to give me an opportunity of networking. Thanks to that I’m now working closer to the EU institutions, specifically at the Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) in Brussels, and I’m receiving great job experience.
What else? Last but not least, Beijing (Peking) is an amazing city and Chinese food is so delicious!
Chiara Gronchi
Come studentessa di giurisprudenza ho sempre pensato che fosse fondamentale approfondire lo studio di sistemi legislativi diversi da quello italiano. Inoltre, come futuri professionisti del diritto dovremo saper lavorare con categorie giuridiche trasnazionali.
Il summer law institute e’ stata la giusta opportunita’ per apprendere i fondamenti del quadro normativo cinese, in particolare in materia di proprieta’ intellettuale e diritto ambientale. Il progetto e’ strutturato secondo il metodo americano: lezioni interattive e sessioni di mentoring.
Tutto cio’ mi ha permesso di cogliere un’opportunita’ di internship a Bruxelles presso il Fair Trade Advocacy Office (FTAO) dove sto lavorando a contatto con le istituzioni europee e di ottenere buone opportunita’ di lavoro al termine dello stage.
Pechino e’ una citta’ ricca di bellezze storiche e il cibo cinese e’ divino!
Chiara Gronchi